Hello! This is Jessie, the homebrew wife here at The Pour Report. Nick has kindly let me take over the blog so I can introduce you to a new project of mine.
Although I do not consider myself a homebrewer per se, I do consider myself an active homebrew wife who has gained some tangential knowledge over the years and spent quite a bit of time within the homebrew community, attending various events and meeting other homebrew enthusiasts. Over the years, I have grown to love and appreciate all of the hard work and passion homebrewers put forth in their pursuits. And it was this love (and pride at being a part of this fantastic group of folks) that led me to design a couple of shirts to boldly declare my affiliation with the world of homebrew. Having fielded more inquiries than I had anticipated while wearing said shirts, I have decided to get my feet wet as HOMEBREW WIFE and sell homebrew-centric shirts that I hope you will enjoy. Realizing that it’s not always just about the homebrewer, my goal is to design shirts for the entire homebrew family. I am constantly working on new designs, but would love to hear if you have any suggestions for shirts. You can find me at jessie@homebrewwwife.com.
It’s been nice talking to you. Happy Brewing!
- My first attempt at wearing my (homebrew) heart on my sleeve, NHC 2012.
- Proud homebrew wife at NHC 2015.
- The Pour Report shirts also available!